Monday, 30 September 2013

Qualitative and Quantative Research

Qualitative Research
This is more factual research, its a lot more open ended questions that would require a more extensive answer rather than a simple yes or no. This is gain a better understanding peoples views on whatever the subject may be.

Quantative Research
This is research that requires simpler answers mainly is the yes or no format. This is more about the quantity of the answers you have more than the quality of them. You normally find this format in questionnaires, it can be put into a graph or tally chart.


  1. Alex, you are missing the last 2 tasks for your work (Questionnaire and Semiotic Theory analysis). Your time management is very poor and will be reflected in your marks, as you are marked on this also.

    You need to be contributing more blog posts each week, the tasks set in lesson then an independent study post to reflect your independent study – this will then reflect your grade and the show you understand the required levels of work at A-level.

    You have had numerous lessons to update and improve this, as well as completing the more recent tasks that I have set.

    You have had plenty of time to ask for support from your peers and teachers, which you have not used wisely.

    Your target is a C - the work you have completed so far is currently acceptable, but with the missing work you are currently FAILING the course.

    You need to alter your work ethic and start to act like an A-Level student.

    Mr McCann

  2. This is a minimal graded piece of work which has failed to meet any of the criteria by which to score at A level. You need to make sure you are using images to support your work as it will meet the criteria of making the blog engaging and your use of ICT mark. This work does not show that you have thought about the question or engaged with the task.
