Monday 30 September 2013

Qualitative and Quantative Research

Qualitative Research
This is more factual research, its a lot more open ended questions that would require a more extensive answer rather than a simple yes or no. This is gain a better understanding peoples views on whatever the subject may be.

Quantative Research
This is research that requires simpler answers mainly is the yes or no format. This is more about the quantity of the answers you have more than the quality of them. You normally find this format in questionnaires, it can be put into a graph or tally chart.

Monday 16 September 2013

What is a Music Magazine?

I think a music magazine is a source of entertainment and information about genres of music and different bands and artists and instruments.

The first ever music magazine in the UK was Banjo Mandolin Guitar magazine (BMG), founded in 1903 by Mr Clifford Essex.

The most popular music magazine in the UK is Q, it even calls itself "The Worlds Greatest Music Magazine"and it is difficult to argue with them.

The future of music magazines doesn't seem to be looking good as the selling prices are dropping quite fast. People use the internet a lot more these days as a source of information and entertainment.

What i like in music is Indie, Folk, BritPop and Rock.

The most popular music at the moment is Indie and Rave music and in magazines at the moment, this genre is what you see mostly, with bands like Kings of Leon and Arctic Monkeys on the front cover.

Friday 6 September 2013

Introduction to blog

Welcome to my blog, in this blog i will post about my A-Level Media Studies course, the course will involve me making a music magazine with a front page, contents and images. This will require me to research about many genres of music. I will also be making a college magazine will which involve the same things. I will be posting blogs quite often. In this blog you will see blogs that:

  • Evaluate my work
  • Plan my work
  • The research towards my work
  • my chosen genre is Indie Rock
To support my research i will put videos and images in my blog.

I have also purchased a music magazine that focuses on my chosen genre. This is just to get a better understanding of the layout of the magazine.

About Me: 
I am studying 3 A-level Courses:
  • Drama 
  • Media Studies 
  • English Literature