Monday 31 March 2014

Contents page Guideline

I have applied the outline to where i am going to place my images in the contents page of my magazine, i am aiming to make it the same style as NME to keep with my chosen genre of indie.

Template for my Double Page Spread

I am going to base my double page spread on this NME magazine, i'm going to add a colour that suits the mood of the band, i will use one side of the page for an image and another side for text.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Contents Page Template

I am basing my contents page on the style of NME to show the continuing style of Indie themes inmy magazine.

Monday 17 March 2014

Front Cover of Music Magazine

I have included a house style of black and white for my front cover as it suits the genre of music i am focusing on. I have made the C and the M bigger to make the masthead stand out. I've made Jamie turn his head away to link in with the main headline to make him seem secretive and shy to entice the audience into his character and personality.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Images for Magazine

I have took some images that i am thinking of using for the front cover of my magazine, the magazine i am making is an indie style and the jacket that the the person in the image is wearing suits the style, I may take the picture again but a little bit closer showing more of the persons face to focus on as the masthead of the magazine would cover the persons head.