Thursday 16 January 2014

Top Selling Indie Albums of the Week

1. Arctic Monkeys - AM

2. London Grammar - If You Wait

3. Passenger - All The Little Lights

4. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - The Heist

5. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires Of The City

Tuesday 14 January 2014

College Magazine Front Cover

How i made the Front cover:
1. I placed the picture i had taken on a blank background and turned the picture into a circular shape and moved it halfway off the page to create a crescent shape.
2. I then place a globe in the top left corner then wrote my masthead for the magazine "The Heenan World". I then curved the first word and bottom word so the title was shaped like a circle, just like the globe.
3. I then turned the background yellow.
4. I then used red colour font for my main headline as it was the same as my masthead.

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis

The layout
is very ordered and neat, the page is structured under different headings. The contents page's colour is the house style, it uses all the colours from their logo, keeping the theme throughout the magazine. Their is also subscription information at the bottom of the page, advertising how you can save 33%.
Q is a very similar type of magazine but this magazine is very kind on the eye, its well presented, but isn't spotless, bringing in the Indie theme. The only picture on the contents page is of Oasis, which tells us the main focus in the magazine will be on them.

Friday 10 January 2014

50 Cent & Susan Boyle Collaboration

I merged Susan Boyle's head onto the head of 50 Cent just to demonstrate skills i was capable of using Photoshop. I used the magic wand tool to rub out Susan's body just to leave her head, then i modelled her head around the shape of 50 Cent's. I used the Bevel and Emboss effect to make the picture seem more realistic.

Monday 6 January 2014

Music Magazine Annotations

The MASTHEAD is basically just the name of the magazine/newspaper you are reading, it is usually in big letters.

The DATE LINE/ SPECIAL ISSUE just informs you of the the month and the year of the issue, its also usually at the top of a magazine.

The MAIN PICTURE is an insight to who the magazine is mostly about, which in this case is The cure's frontman, Robert Smith.

MAIN COVERLINE is usually an insight into what the interview will be about and it will try and intrigue the reader.